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Suck AV Posts

Anti-Theft Projector Cage

Or, extra protection for when the fear of Jesus doesn’t make thieves think twice!

Jesus Thwart The Steal

This projector cage was spotted in the multi-purpose room of an otherwise perfectly idyllic preschool. Gotta keep those five-year-olds honest!

The submitter also noted that music was provided via a microphone held next to a boombox.

Tip of the hat to GB!

The Best Screen is One That Works?

It appears that this broken projector was “fixed” by extending the signal cable down to a TV on a cart. Great cable management, guys!

Also, it would have been letterboxed content on a 4:3 screen, so I guess it’s better?

Hat tip to J.W.!

Projector as Gobo

Using projectors as gobos on the floor is a pretty common thing nowadays, but nobody wants to advertise Windows errors or hardware failures!

Hat tip to M.M.!

Most Expensive Cheap Case Ever

Maybe a whole roll of duct tape was used to repair this cardboard box.

It’s well known that proper cases for LCD monitors often cost more than the monitor they are protecting. This case is not proper, but it cost a lot in tape!

Hat tip to D. D., the holder of the box.